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DHET Grants

Central Conservation Area

DHET operates a grants programme which awards funds towards eligible schemes for either the repair of historic buildings or streetscapes, or to projects that offer people the chance to learn more about Dundee’s historic built environment. The funding is made available by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and is awarded at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. The Trust has a limited budget, currently around £165,000 per annum, and will select projects it considers best meets its objectives and priorities.

Building Conservation Grants are awarded to projects for the appropriate repair of Dundee’s historic fabric. Heritage Outreach Grants are awarded to fund technical training, feasibility studies, conservation plans or the development of interpretive material.

Grant rates vary depending on the type of work proposed.  Typically awards range from 25% to 40% of eligible costs. The award of grants is at the discretion of the Trustees and the Trustees’ decision is final.

DHET operates a two-stage grant application process.

Stage 1:

  • You should check the potential eligibility of your property or project (see eligibility details below).
  • Submit an Enquiry Form.

Stage 2:

  • If eligible, you will be notified and issued a link to an application form by email.
  • Review grant advice (DHET Grant Guidelines and HES Advisory Standards of Repair).
  • Prepare any necessary supporting documents (such as condition report, photos, drawings, specification, costings).
  • Complete, sign and submit the application form, with supporting documents.
  • If appropriate, we will arrange for a visit to your project.

Building Conservation Grants

DHET operates a scheme of Building Conservation Grants for buildings located within or near to, one of Dundee’s 17 conservation areas. Grant eligibility includes the location of the building, its age and characteristics (including any listed building status), the type of project (including current and proposed use) and the nature of the proposed repair and materials used.

To be eligible for a grant, buildings being repaired should be of traditional construction (usually, but not always, built pre-1919). DHET prioritises listed buildings and applications with a focus on regeneration or commercial activities. Those that include additional measures to improve energy efficiency or adapt to climate change are particularly welcome (though such measures may not be grant eligible).

DHET can also award a small amount of funding towards public realm projects. These are usually repairs to streetscape features such as old paving, where there is community value.

To check if your building is a listed building and if it is in a conservation area, click here:

Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas

Eligible Work

  • Essential structural repairs
  • Comprehensive roof repairs
  • Repair of chimneys
  • Repair or replacement of rainwater gutters
  • Repair of stonework
  • Repair of historic boundary walls or garden structures
  • Repair of external joinery
  • Repair of historic external metalwork
  • Public realm repairs
  • Agreed project-related skills training initiatives
  • Agreed professional fees
  • Project development costs for major regeneration schemes

Ineligible Works

  • Alterations and additions
  • Projects that have already started
  • Use of modern materials such as GRP or cement mortars
  • Artificial and substitute materials or techniques
  • Chemical treatments
  • Stone cleaning
  • Interior repairs
  • Routine maintenance such as gutter cleaning, fixing slipped slates or localised repointing (please refer to link maintenance under technical advice section)

If you think your property or project may be eligible for grant assistance, based on the information provided here, please submit an Enquiry Form.  If your project contains eligible works, you will be notified and issued a link to an application form by email.

Please note that meeting DHET eligibility criteria does not mean you will necessarily receive grant assistance.


Heritage Outreach Grants

Eligible Work

  • Projects that provide opportunities for people to learn about and enjoy Dundee’s historic built environment. These can include producing interpretative material such as leaflets, display panels and publications.
  • Feasibility Studies which relate to bringing historic buildings and structures back into use.
  • Conservation Plans which further the understanding and management of historic assets.
  • Events and initatives promoting training in craft skills.

Ineligible Work

  • DHET cannot fund projects where funding has been awarded by HES directly, or indirectly through one of its grant funding partners, such as the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF)

Other Sources of Funding

Applicants may also wish to investigate other sources of potential funding both locally and nationally. There are a small number of funders who specialise in heritage projects, in addition to trusts which have an interest in the conservation of the built heritage.

Dundee City Council  External Funding:

Contact diane.milne@dundeecity.gov.uk 01382 434653
Assistance to help Dundee groups and organisations access external funding:
DCC External Funding

Dundee City Council also offers discretionary grants and loans to private householders and landlords under the Scheme of Assistance:
Improvement and repair scheme private households

SCARF is a social enterprise company and delivers energy efficiency advice and services, on behalf of Home Energy Scotland, to local authority areas in north east Scotland, including that served by Dundee City Council. Home Energy Scotland grants assist a variety of energy saving measures addressing fuel poverty:
SCARF grants and funding

Historic Environment Scotland runs a range of grant programmes including an historic environment repair grant scheme to promote and protect the historic environment. Funding cannot be awarded by DHET where HES funding has been awarded (and vice versa):
Historic Environment Scotland

National Lottery Heritage Fund: Heritage Fund Scotland operates a number of grants schemes supporting people and communities to explore, conserve and celebrate heritage.

Architectural Heritage Fund – Scotland: The Architectural Heritage Fund Scotland offers various grant programmes which includes project viability grants, project development grants and a tailored support fund.

Alternative sources of funding may also be found on the Heritage Funding Directory, a free online guide  managed by the Architectural Heritage Fund and the Heritage Alliance and on the online grant funding directory complied by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) Funding Scotland

Churches are now eligible to apply for funding from DHET. They can alternatively seek funding directly from Historic Environment Scotland and from schemes such as the National Churches Trust and the All Churches Trust Grant Scheme. The Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme can provide funding which covers the VAT incurred when making repairs to listed buildings that are in use as places of worship.


Examples of Eligible Work

* essential structural repairs
* comprehensive roof repairs
* repair of chimneys
* repair or replacement of rainwater gutters
* repair of stonework
* repair of historic boundary walls or garden structures

* repair of external joinery
* repair of historic external metalwork
* public realm repairs
* agreed project-related outreach / interpretation
* agreed project-related skills training initiatives
* agreed professional fees
* project development costs for major regeneration schemes


Stage 2: The Formal Application

Following your project enquiry, if you are invited to apply, DHET will send you an email with a link to the application form.

Full applications normally require the following supporting information. The  documentation needed will be dependent on the scale and complexity of your project:

  • Description and specification of the project (including annotated drawings if applicable)
  • Survey and photographs (digital images) as existing
  • Costings (contractor estimates and/or QS report)

Please review the Grant Guidelines, HES Advisory Standards of Repair and the summary of standard grant conditions for more information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch:

T : 01382 902244

Further Information

  • Projects must not have started before formal grant offers have been made.
  • Projects where grants have been approved will be required to start and finish within an agreed timetable.
  • Grant applications are considered by the DHET Trustees at regular meetings. Grants awarded to eligible projects are subject to the availability of funding and at a level which reflects the Trust’s strategic priorities.
  • Typical awards range from 25% to 50% of grant eligible costs.
  • The award of grants and decisions are at the discretion of the Trustees and the Trustees’ decision is final.
  • Applicants who are VAT registered will not be able to claim the VAT element as a grant eligible cost.
  • Grants are paid out on certified and satisfactory completion of works, following full payment to contractors.


What You Will Need

Following your project enquiry, if you are invited to apply, we will send you an email with a link to the application form which gives access to the application form.

Full applications normally require the following information though this will be dependent on the scale and complexity of your project:

  • Description and specification of the project (including annotated plans if applicable)
  • Photographs (digital images) as existing
  • Costings (contractor estimates or QS report)

Note: Where your proposed project is large and complex and in the planning stage, DHET will provide you as to whether the project is likely to be eligible for funding. This will not, however, be a formal offer of grant and will not oblige DHET to subsequently award grant.   

Please review the Grant Guidelines, HES Advisory Standards of Repair and the summary of standard grant conditions for more information before making your enquiry. Grant applicants must sign and fully complete the application form as well as sign the separate Standard Grant conditions declaration form acknowledging that these have been read and agreed.

Further Information

  • Projects must not have started before formal grant offers have been made and legal paperwork is in place.
  • Projects where grants have been approved will be required to start and finish within an agreed timetable.
  • Grant applications are considered the DHET Trustees at regular meetings and grants are awarded to eligible projects and costs and are subject to the availability of funding and at a level which reflects the Trust’s strategic priorities
  • Typical awards range from 25% to 50% of eligible costs
  • The award of grants and decisions are at the discretion of the Trustees and the Trustee’s decision is final
  • Applicants who are VAT registered will normally not be able to claim the VAT element as an eligible cost but for those who are not VAT registered, it is claimable.
  • Grants are paid out on satisfactory completion of works following full payment to contractors.

Next Steps

1) Check your project is eligible based on the information above and guidance notes.
2) Submit a project enquiry form.
3) If eligible you will be notified and issued a link to an application form by email.
4) Complete the application form and sign.
5) If appropriate we will arrange for a visit to your project.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get in touch or drop in to pick up an enquiry/application form in person.

T : 01382 902 244